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Advisory: Reflexion - Delayed delivery of outbound and inbound email

Hi everyone,

Sophos is currently investigating an issue with Reflexion is that is causing delayed delivery of inbound and outbound mail. No mail will be lost, as it will be queued for delivery.
Our development and operations team are actively working to resolve this issue.

Please follow the links below for the latest updates: 

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  • The Issue is Very Simple Sophos Reflexion is going the way of the UTM. Lack of support out of site out of mind. If you are not on the central platform you are doing it wrong apparently. 

    I had an interesting chat with my channel manager today and needless to say this service has gone the ways of being not supported. 

    The 99% promise is no longer the way with this service.


    I have had to update all my MX Records and DNS to point to other solutions in the interim. 


    I would recommend the same be done

    Such a shame

  • The Issue is Very Simple Sophos Reflexion is going the way of the UTM. Lack of support out of site out of mind. If you are not on the central platform you are doing it wrong apparently. 

    I had an interesting chat with my channel manager today and needless to say this service has gone the ways of being not supported. 

    The 99% promise is no longer the way with this service.


    I have had to update all my MX Records and DNS to point to other solutions in the interim. 


    I would recommend the same be done

    Such a shame

  • The problem here is THEY NEVER TOLD ANYONE.  You had to call them on your own to learn this.  It was also completely stupid on their end to basically stop support Reflexion without warning and without getting everyone off first.  A good analogy is to a boat on the ocean.  The cast Reflexion adrift and set it on fire and didn't tell the passengers to get onto another boat.  Then when passengers are scrambling for help they turn off the support lines and chat.  This should have been announced at least a year ago with deadline like migrate off Reflexion by 7/30/2019 as it will be unsupported.  Kinda like what Microsoft is doing with Windows 7.  Instead they give no warning just leaving partners out to dry...  Great company, I am sure you can trust their new email spam service... Until they stop supporting it with no notice and its BROKEN