Original Author: Scott Barlow - Posted June 15th 2014
Greetings Reflexion Partners,
On Saturday, June 21st, our engineers will upgrade Reflexion Total Control to version 7.30. This release includes a number of new features, enhancements and bug fixes, as described below. The upgrade will be applied at 10 PM EDT (UTC 02:00) and will not have any impact on mail flow, although the user interface may be temporarily unavailable during the upgrade.
New Features/Functionality
- Keyword Filtering –Ability to filter incoming email based on keywords or phrases contained within the subject line.
- Outbound Permitted Languages – Customers who have configured Permitted Languages will now have their outbound email scanned to prevent outbound spam in non-Permitted Languages.
- System Health – A link to the system health page has been added to the RTC user interface. This page provides information about the status of Reflexion’s production infrastructure.
- Resizable Column Width –The column widths for Recent Messages and Quarantine are now manually resizable.
- Password Complexity – We have slightly relaxed our password complexity requirements. Passwords still require a minimum of 8 characters, and must meet three out of the following four criteria: at least one digit, one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one of the following special characters ( ! @ # $ % ^ & + = - ). Existing passwords will continue to work until changed.
- Improved Throughput – New load balancing has been implemented in order to separate outbound mass mailings into multiple customer-submit queues versus saturating an individual queue.
Enhancements/Bug Fixes
- User Interface – There are significant speed improvements for the user interface and search queries.
- Autotask Billing Integration – Several minor bugs were fixed in the delivery of billing data from RTC to Autotask.
- LDAP Enhancements
- Improved LDAP setup page, including validation of the Support email address and automatic deletion of disabled users found in AD.
- Added "LDAP Test Button" into LDAP setup and Configuration Status page.
- Global Update Domain – When an existing domain is set to primary, we now provide an option to automatically update the primary email address for all users to the new domain.
- Customer Deletion
- Prior to the deletion of a customer, we will now validate that the MX Record does not translate to Reflexion; if it does not, the deletion will not be permitted.
- Partners will now be asked the reason for deleting a customer, to help us understand areas of our services that need improvement.
- Improved Error Handling -- Accessing an unreleased quarantine message through the quarantine summary will no longer cause a “nullpointer exception”.
- RADAR Activation – When RADAR is activated, it will now remain enabled for one billing cycle, and the partner will be responsible for the resulting charges. This significant change in Reflexion’s billing practices is necessary to prevent abuse of the service.
As you know, partner feedback drives our product roadmap. Therefore, we are always very interested in your prioritized suggestions for new features and enhancements for upcoming releases. What are the most important things that we could do to make our services easier to use and more valuable for you and your clients? Based on broad partner feedback, the next RTC release (v 7.40) will include inbound Attachment Filtering.
We look forward to your feedback on this release, and your suggestions for the next one.