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Sophos Central Phish Threat - Problems with Outlook Add-In

Dear Community members,

my name is David Lorenz from the company AAIC Soft Systems GmbH from Germany. We buyed a Phish Threat licence for awarenes trainings.

We deployed the xml Outlook Add-In sucessfully but it doesent work. When we want to use it the Add-In is loading long time and dont send the infos to Central.

Our MS Office and Exchange Server works in version 2019. I tested the function with our VDSL with XGS Firewall and without XGS Firewall over LTE. Both doesent work.

I hope someone of you can help me with that.

Thank you in advance!

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  • Dear Community members,

    my name is David Lorenz from the company AAIC Soft Systems GmbH from Germany. We buyed a Phish Threat licence for awarenes trainings.

    We deployed the xml Outlook Add-In sucessfully but it doesent work. When we want to use it the Add-In is loading long time and dont send the infos to Central.

    Our MS Office and Exchange Server works in version 2019. I tested the function with our VDSL with XGS Firewall and without XGS Firewall over LTE. Both doesent work.

    I hope someone of you can help me with that.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi

    We are currently working on supporting Exchange 2019. This issue is currently logged in our KIL as PHISH-7174 and will be removed once it is supported.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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