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SEC migration from a DC

Hi, need to migrate SEC from Server 2008R2 to new virtual server running Server2016.

Problem I have read - Current server is a DC, but the new server will not be a DC. What are the pitfalls and steps with the first server already being a DC.
(this is installed way back and has always been ok)

Are their instructions about this scenario anywhere please?

Many Thanks


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  • Hi  

    It is recommended that Enterprise Console is not installed on a Domain Controller. It is also likely that additional security settings have been configured on a DC which could prevent Enterprise Console installing one of which is listed in this article. You can refer to this migration guide for migrating Sophos Enterprise console from one server to another. 


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  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I wasn't clear.

    SEC is already installed on the 2008R2 DC. it has been on there for at least 7 years, it was server 2003 before that.

    I want to migrate SEC from the old current DC to a new virtual server that wont be a DC. Are there likely to be any issues that anyone is aware of?

    The migration literature only seems to mention that they should both not be a DC, but I cant find any info to say what to do if one of them already is a DC with SEC installed.



  • Got past the first hurdle, but on to the next..


  • Hello tstan,

    these are just warnings, simply proceed.


  • I did and it failed, just going through the log file now..


    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '12': INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Sophos" INSTALLDIR32="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos" SUM_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Update Manager"
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '19': UPGRADE="1"
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '6': SERVER_COMPUTERNAME="SophosServer"
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '5': SERVER_PORT="80"
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '1': SERVER_USERNAME="sophosadmin"
    12/03/2020 14:15:04, INFO : Installation value ID '2': SERVER_USERNAMEDOMAIN="????"
    12/03/2020 14:15:05, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
    12/03/2020 14:15:06, INFO : Installation value ID '4': SERVER_USERNAMEPASSWORD="********"
    12/03/2020 14:15:06, INFO : upn found: Administrator@?????????????
    12/03/2020 14:15:06, INFO : Installation value ID '3': SERVER_UPN="Administrator@???????????"



    12/03/2020 14:32:52, INFO : Verifying files in folder
    12/03/2020 14:32:53, INFO : Target folder verification completed successfully
    12/03/2020 14:32:53, INFO : About to install Database64.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:27, INFO : Processing INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE message from MSI
    12/03/2020 14:33:27, INFO : Ended installing Database64.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:29, INFO : Installation of Database succeeded
    12/03/2020 14:33:29, INFO : Verifying files in folder
    12/03/2020 14:33:29, INFO : Target folder verification completed successfully
    12/03/2020 14:33:29, INFO : About to install CredStore.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:49, INFO : Processing INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE message from MSI
    12/03/2020 14:33:49, INFO : Ended installing CredStore.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:51, INFO : Installation of Sophos Credential Store Service succeeded
    12/03/2020 14:33:51, INFO : Verifying files in folder
    12/03/2020 14:33:52, INFO : Target folder verification completed successfully
    12/03/2020 14:33:52, INFO : About to install Server64.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:53, INFO : Processing INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE message from MSI
    12/03/2020 14:33:53, INFO : Installation of Server64.msi failed with error code: 1603
    12/03/2020 14:33:53, INFO : Ended installing Server64.msi
    12/03/2020 14:33:55, INFO : Installation of Management Server failed with error code: 1603
    12/03/2020 14:33:55, INFO : Deactivate state: Installing
    12/03/2020 14:33:55, INFO : Activate state: Failed
    12/03/2020 14:33:55, INFO : Entered Installation failed page.
    12/03/2020 14:34:45, INFO : Opening logs folder: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Management Installer
    12/03/2020 14:36:14, INFO : Finished Bootstrapper
    12/03/2020 14:36:14, INFO : Cleaned up socket.
    12/03/2020 14:36:14, INFO : Uninitialized COM in main thread

  • And errors in the Sophos_Server64MSi log

    GetSumCredentialsFromCredStore: Initialized.
    GetSumCredentialsFromCredStore: No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80070005
    GetSumCredentialsFromCredStore: Error 0x80004005: Failed to get username
    CustomAction CredStore.GetSUMCredentials returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    Action ended 14:33:53: CredStore.GetSUMCredentials. Return value 3.
    Action ended 14:33:53: INSTALL. Return value 3.

  • Hello tstan,

    is the Sophos Credential Store service running - assuming the Credential Store has been installed?

    Something similar has been mentioned in the Upgrade fails thread but I'm not sure about the sequence of events in your case. First the bootstrapper refused to continue because of the database rights issue. With the next attempt it installed the 5.5.2 database and the new Credential Store and then failed installing the Server? Which Sophos components and versions are in Programs and Features?


  • Apologies, was called away on Friday.

    Credential store is running.

    now if I try and run the new installer, I get this..


    I am about ready to scrap the whole thing, delete the serve and start from scratch..

    Would the old migrated server still be usable if I redirect the endpoints back?



  • Hello tstan,

    not surprisingly the versions of the components are different (I've mentioned it in the story of the second server) and there is an applicable article: Sophos Enterprise Console: Installer has detected different versions of the components installed. Your first screenshot shows that the Credential Store is installed but I assume you have checked that the service is indeed running. As it's not clear what the status was during your first attempt to upgrade a second attempt (after uninstalling the database component) might or might not succeed.

    The old server should still be usable, naturally the changes and history done on and recorded by the new server aren't available on the old one.


  • Hi, 

    Followed the KB and uninstalled the DB.

    Following an attempted reinstall -552.. Upgrade....  I now get this:


    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Installation value ID '5': SERVER_PORT="80"
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, ERROR : GetUsername operation results: 80131577
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Installation value ID '1': SERVER_USERNAME="sophosadmin"
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Installation value ID '2': SERVER_USERNAMEDOMAIN="????"
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, ERROR : GetPassword operation results: 80131577
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Installation value ID '4': SERVER_USERNAMEPASSWORD="********"

    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
    16/03/2020 09:32:49, INFO : Obtaining remote SQL instances on network...
    16/03/2020 09:32:50, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
    16/03/2020 09:33:05, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
    16/03/2020 09:33:05, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOSENC51 on instance: ...
    16/03/2020 09:33:20, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
    16/03/2020 09:33:20, INFO : Installation value ID '29': ENCDBVERSION="0"
    16/03/2020 09:33:20, INFO : SupportedOS isFatal: 1
    16/03/2020 09:33:21, INFO : Entered Welcome page.
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Running System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer...
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer - PASSED
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Running System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version...
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found installed component: {FC2876E5-3698-4534-A126-52792C4F0350} version: 5.5.0
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.2
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found installed component: {9BCC5C9E-94B6-40CA-A025-2A33C78256C6} version: 5.5.0
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.2
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.2
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version - PASSED
    16/03/2020 09:33:30, INFO : Entered Eula page.
    16/03/2020 09:33:31, INFO : Accepted Eula.
    16/03/2020 09:33:32, INFO : Running System Property Check: Support operating system version and service pack must be installed...
    16/03/2020 09:33:32, INFO : SupportedOS: Version: 10.0.14393 SP: 0.0 Architecture: 64-bit Edition: 18 Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard|C:\Windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2 Type: 3


    and Program and Features show: 551 instead of 552 for SDM..

    Going back to the old server in preparation for deleting this VM and starting from scratch. thinking that might be a quicker solution? 

  • Hello tstan,

    deleting this VM and starting from scratch
    might indeed be quicker. In principle it is possible to skip the install and migration of 5.5.0 on the new server.


  • I really just wanted the policies so I didn't have to recreate them, but I guess I can open them both now and just reproduce them.

    Thanks for all your help with this.

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