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Supported versus compatible Linux distributions for Sophos Antivirus for Linux




I'm trying to determine if Sophos Antivirus for Linux will work on openSUSE or Fedora. The available documentation specifying system requirements label the list provided as 'supported distributions,' which only includes Red Hat and SUSE Enterprise. My understanding is that 'supported' translates to product support if you are a license holder of a subscription (e.g. Sophos can't help you if you installed the licensed product on Kali Linux or some other distribution) but I'm not sure if that is accurate.


Can someone confirm if my assumption is correct? Or does 'supported distribution' also mean the ones listed are the only distributions which Sophos Antivirus for Linux is compatible with and is guaranteed to run?


Thanks in advance.

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  • Hello  

    Supported Distributions would be the only distributions that Sophos Antivirus for Linux is compatible with and guaranteed to run. If you would install in these Distributions, you can get Technical Support should you encounter any technical issues with the Sophos product.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to DianneY


     Thank you for replying. I'm good with the supported distributions.


    I'm more curious though on the distributions that are not listed as supported. If I install the product in the latest version of openSUSE, will it install or fail to install? And if it does install, will the product run in openSUSE or will it just keep on saying it can't do it's intended purpose?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to DianneY


     Thank you for replying. I'm good with the supported distributions.


    I'm more curious though on the distributions that are not listed as supported. If I install the product in the latest version of openSUSE, will it install or fail to install? And if it does install, will the product run in openSUSE or will it just keep on saying it can't do it's intended purpose?

  • Hi  

    For the distros, not mentioned in the supported KB article, not always goes correct while installation and even after successful installation of the Sophos, there may be feature issues with that anti-virus or it may not work as expected. The versions which are tested with Sophos has been mentioned in the KB but we can't say about the behaviour for the versions which are not mentioned in the KB articles.


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