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scan error munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

Ubuntu 18.04 AMD cpu

i want to scan a file or folder but i got this on terminal.

munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

how to fix it? can you pls help me? i use the code " savscan /home" on terminal


and i want to download antivirus linux verison 10 but i get the verison 9 my. pc is 64bit versin 10 is for 64. how to download that version thanks.


this is the first time i use sophos on a linux pc. there is many things i dont like about sophos first the web is not user friendly. it is puzzle for user who wants to download a file.

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  • Hi  

    We have version 9 available for the Sophos Antivirus for Linux for free, for the error you are receiving while scanning, I will check this with my team and shall get back to you. 


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  • i think the problem is my system language. It doesnt work with Turkish.

    it is very interesting because other features works with Turkish like update.

    As i switch to English the problem solved. but i dont want to use my system in English.

    Thank you waiting for your advice

  • Hello Sezgin satir,

    do you get this error whatever path you specify or is it only for certain paths? When does savscan issue the error? Immediately, after initialization, or after it has already started scanning? Could you perhaps provide the complete output (from start up to the error - guess it terminates after the error)?


  • This error is only about the system language not about the paths or something. When i system language is English. there is no problem. When system language is Turkish it get this error. Ubuntu 18.04.03

  • now this is what i get when my OS System language in Turkish in Terminal  as soon as i press the Enter on my keyboard

    ~$ savscan /home/lethe/belgeler
    munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

    this is what i get when my OS System language in English

    savscan /home/lethe/İndirilenler
    SAVScan virus detection utility
    Version 5.63.0 [Linux/AMD64]
    Virus data version 5.74, March 2020
    Includes detection for 49415656 viruses, Trojans and worms
    Copyright (c) 1989-2020 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.

    System time 01:48:06 PM, System date 15 April 2020

    IDE directory is: /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav

    Using IDE file azoru-ea.ide
    Using IDE file mdro-jau.ide
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    Using IDE file trikb-fn.ide
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    Using IDE file docdr-ua.ide
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    Using IDE file formb-ys.ide
    Using IDE file trick-vu.ide
    Using IDE file msil-nxt.ide
    Using IDE file fare-jxd.ide
    Using IDE file fare-jxe.ide
    Using IDE file steal-pl.ide
    Using IDE file trick-vv.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-opx.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fnt.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fny.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fnz.ide
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    Using IDE file msil-nyj.ide
    Using IDE file fare-jza.ide
    Using IDE file gozi-ti.ide
    Using IDE file dwnl-zry.ide
    Using IDE file fare-jzj.ide
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    Using IDE file rtfd-bko.ide
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    Using IDE file fare-kah.ide
    Using IDE file msil-nzp.ide
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    Using IDE file spy-azl.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fpv.ide
    Using IDE file msil-nzy.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kak.ide
    Using IDE file steal-ki.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gww.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gwx.ide
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    Using IDE file vb-ksl.ide
    Using IDE file delp-cm.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fqk.ide
    Using IDE file docd-xvk.ide
    Using IDE file steal-ko.ide
    Using IDE file msil-obe.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fqw.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gxm.ide
    Using IDE file msil-obm.ide
    Using IDE file vbinj-xo.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gxq.ide
    Using IDE file vb-kta.ide
    Using IDE file amadey-h.ide
    Using IDE file batdl-dj.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gxw.ide
    Using IDE file docd-xwl.ide
    Using IDE file nano-aij.ide
    Using IDE file blackh-j.ide
    Using IDE file pdfu-hzh.ide
    Using IDE file recam-fa.ide
    Using IDE file msili-ll.ide
    Using IDE file auto-czn.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fpt.ide
    Using IDE file steal-lw.ide
    Using IDE file msil-obw.ide
    Using IDE file remco-pu.ide
    Using IDE file auto-czo.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oqf.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oqh.ide
    Using IDE file msil-oce.ide
    Using IDE file phis-gyd.ide
    Using IDE file delp-cq.ide
    Using IDE file msil-ock.ide
    Using IDE file rans-fwj.ide
    Using IDE file pdfu-hzt.ide
    Using IDE file steal-mi.ide
    Using IDE file bbind-bs.ide
    Using IDE file auto-czw.ide
    Using IDE file msil-odf.ide
    Using IDE file gozi-tk.ide
    Using IDE file ryuk-al.ide
    Using IDE file docd-xza.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oqx.ide
    Using IDE file auto-dab.ide
    Using IDE file hawke-db.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oqy.ide
    Using IDE file keyl-aft.ide
    Using IDE file formb-zr.ide
    Using IDE file hawke-dh.ide
    Using IDE file azoru-ef.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kdp.ide
    Using IDE file steal-nj.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kdq.ide
    Using IDE file docd-xzl.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-ora.ide
    Using IDE file miner-xv.ide
    Using IDE file hawke-di.ide
    Using IDE file lokib-fr.ide
    Using IDE file batdl-dm.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fst.ide
    Using IDE file azoru-eg.ide
    Using IDE file wollf-o.ide
    Using IDE file katus-dh.ide
    Using IDE file steal-sw.ide
    Using IDE file encdo-qz.ide
    Using IDE file age-becy.ide
    Using IDE file docd-ybe.ide
    Using IDE file keyl-age.ide
    Using IDE file blada-lt.ide
    Using IDE file dwnl-zva.ide
    Using IDE file formbo-i.ide
    Using IDE file delph-j.ide
    Using IDE file spy-bah.ide
    Using IDE file fake-him.ide
    Using IDE file nano-aiw.ide
    Using IDE file blada-lh.ide
    Using IDE file docd-ycs.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kfe.ide
    Using IDE file phis-hae.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kfg.ide
    Using IDE file steal-tt.ide
    Using IDE file docph-js.ide
    Using IDE file docd-ycz.ide
    Using IDE file formb-dy.ide
    Using IDE file keyl-agi.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kgb.ide
    Using IDE file fare-kgg.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fud.ide
    Using IDE file steal-oo.ide
    Using IDE file phis-han.ide
    Using IDE file pdfu-icd.ide
    Using IDE file dwnl-zuv.ide
    Using IDE file maltor-a.ide
    Using IDE file docd-yes.ide
    Using IDE file docd-yew.ide
    Using IDE file chisb-wm.ide
    Using IDE file steam-be.ide
    Using IDE file hawke-fv.ide
    Using IDE file inje-fup.ide
    Using IDE file azoru-ek.ide
    Using IDE file steal-pj.ide
    Using IDE file docd-yfx.ide

    Quick Scanning

    353 files scanned in 9 seconds.
    No viruses were discovered.
    End of Scan.

  • When i add this "env LC_ALL=C " line at the beginning of the code scan is working when my OS system language Turkish :D it is funny here is the full code:

    env LC_ALL=C savscan /home/lethe/belgeler


    that means there is something wrong with the savscan app right?

  • Hello Sezgin satir,

    When system language is Turkish it get this error

    I did understand that part. What's not clear is what you see in the terminal. For example you enter savscan /home and you get immediately munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer and then the prompt? In other words, you can't start savscan when the language is set to Turkish?

    You added two posts while I was replying, thanks, it's clear now. Perhaps has an answer.


  • Hi,


    I'm afraid we don't support/test Turkish so it might be broken. I'm afraid I can't look at it in detail at the moment. It's certainly supposed to just fall back to English if it isn't English/Japanese locales.

    I guess it might be useful to know your precise LANG setting.



    The free SAV is version 9, which supports both x86_32 and x86_64 systems.

    Centrally-managed SAV has both version 10 and version 9, and will select the appropriate version at install time.

  • Hi,


    I'm afraid we don't support/test Turkish so it might be broken. I'm afraid I can't look at it in detail at the moment. It's certainly supposed to just fall back to English if it isn't English/Japanese locales.

    I guess it might be useful to know your precise LANG setting.



    The free SAV is version 9, which supports both x86_32 and x86_64 systems.

    Centrally-managed SAV has both version 10 and version 9, and will select the appropriate version at install time.

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