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Userhistory at Computereventlist


is there a function to show the events compared to the actual/last logged on user in the Computer overview?

In the Computer Event log you see "the last" user, but if we had shared Computers, we like to see at wich Login-account the rule on a specific computer was deny-/allowed and if Person a or b is the one who get the error. If a nother Person logged onto the System right after the Event, it's not realy comfortable to see if he was the person who make a mistake or anything wrong.

In the user-eventlog under Person-details you see the event related to computername (can't click on Computername in Person-Eventview also). But how to know if you start at pc and will navigate to user?

eventual it can be done in Reporting and selectiong a user and all Systems he has used within a timeperiod?
In the Event-view of Computer i miss the user that was logged on and got these event occuring...


Can't see wich user has done this event triggerd (only see last logged on user):

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