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Reject Network Connection with DHCP Servers

This may be a limitation or an oversight but have been hitting a problem with having "Reject Network Connections" turned on when the DHCP server is on a windows server when clients login first thing, this causes alot of clients if they have been offline for a day or so to not get issued a DHCP ip as the server rejects the connection because they have been blocked by sophos endpoint, therefore they cannot get an IP to talk to the firewall to then talk to sophos to update to resolve the reason why they are blocked, anyone else found this?

We cannot move the DHCP service as we use options on it and we want protection on all servers, maybe some sort of service exception is required?

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  • The endpoint was green and the server is already in the excluded list, this is what makes for the problem as nothing shows the client as Red yet the server still blocks traffic to it and when watching the server the alert toast pops up stating it has blocked connection and the client doesnt get assigned an IP. the fix so far is to add the client to the exclusion list until it connects and then all is fine but doing this for 10/20 machines a morning is unworkable, have had to turn the Reject setting off for now

    Sophos XG Engineer

    Sophos Silver Partner

  • Hi  

    I'd request you to create a support case here as we need many logs in order to troubleshoot further and find out what actually causing this issue. Once the case has been opened, please PM the case number to me.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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