BIG SUR EAP: Known Issues List


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This is a list of Known Issues with the EAP version of the software:

  • System requires a reboot after installation:
    • After adding scan extension to full disk access, a reboot is required
    • [Fixed in: 10.0.3] Network extension requires reboot in order to accept inbound network connections
  • Users must allow network extension to add proxy configurations in order for network interception features to function.
  • [Fixed in: 10.0.3] Network extension will experience memory growth while handling non-browser traffic
  • CryptoGuard and scan extension may experience periods of high CPU consumption under heavy load
  • CryptoGuard may be unable to exclude applications that run from the user's Desktop
  • Sophos Central will display “macOS” instead of “macOS Big Sur 11.0”
  • System Extensions might remain after uninstall
  • Endpoints that update through an Update Cache will not be able to update to/install the EAP version

  • [Fixed in: 10.0.3] Time Machine backups to network locations fail with message "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup - The disk is already in use"
    • As a workaround, run the backup in Safe Mode
  • [Fixed in: Big Sur 11.2] There is an incompatibility between two APPLE APIs in Big Sur: NEFilterDataProvider and NETransparentProxyProvider
    • Any products that use one API will interfere with products using the other
      • This causes problems with websockets implemented with CFStream or NSStream
    • Our network extension uses NETransparentProxyProvider
      • Until Apple provides a fix to the API - websockets may not function properly if there are two or more products that use these APIs
  • After upgrade to 10.0.3, users might be required to authorize the updated System Extensions (Scan and Network)

updated to the 10.0.3 build
[edited by: Florentino Sanchez at 8:15 PM (GMT -8) on 8 Mar 2021]
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