Following on from my announcement back in December about changes to AWS and Azure Connectors in Intercept X for Server; i'm pleased to inform you about Cloud Optix Standard.

Sophos Intercept X Advanced for Server customers now benefit from Cloud Optix Standard CSPM capabilities, enabling security teams to focus on and proactively fix their most critical cloud security vulnerabilities before they’re identified and exploited in cyberattacks.

New features included with Intercept X Advanced for Server

  • Cloud Asset Inventory – View a detailed inventory of your entire cloud infrastructure (e.g. IAM roles, security groups, shared storage, databases, serverless, containers and more), eliminating the need for time-consuming manual collation across AWS, Azure, and GCP.

  • Access and Traffic Anomaly Detection – Unusual login attempts, and suspicious traffic patterns are automatically detected, and teams alerted.

  • Security scans – Daily and on-demand scans monitor your cloud environment to ensure its on-going security health. Alerts are automatically prioritized by risk level, while guided response provides detailed information and instructions to resolve the issue.

  • Security Best Practice – Detect when cloud accounts and the configuration of deployed resources do not align to security best practices with Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark policies, helping keep security posture at its best.

  • Alert Management Integrations – receive email notifications when manual intervention is required.

For all of the details, please go and look at the blog over on the Cloud Optix forum: