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Failed Logons reported! please wait

Hi when logging in I keep getting the following message


Failed Logons reported! please wait 

any ideas on how to resolve?

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  • Hi  

    It generally happens if the user forgot the password, as a result, it will not accept it and show this error message. But it can happen with 1 or 2 users, not with most of the users in the company simultaneously.

    If this happens with the many users simultaneously, there is an issue of AD sync where passwords of the users are not properly synced after the installation of the Safeguard client.

    If it is happening with 1 or 2 users, you can use this article to reset the password.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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  • Hi  

    It generally happens if the user forgot the password, as a result, it will not accept it and show this error message. But it can happen with 1 or 2 users, not with most of the users in the company simultaneously.

    If this happens with the many users simultaneously, there is an issue of AD sync where passwords of the users are not properly synced after the installation of the Safeguard client.

    If it is happening with 1 or 2 users, you can use this article to reset the password.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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