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Safe Guard LOST connection to the domain/management center?

Hi all, I am new to the ommunity and so to SOPHOS products.

Recently I have a laptop encountered problem with Safe Guard.
It is a Lenovo X240 running Windows 7 Pro, and installed with Safe Guard version

One day, out of suddend, the user cannot get pass the Safe Guard.
The logon window shows "workstation is locked, perform challenge/response to unlock", and the domain field is EMPTY.

Then, I've performed recovery by restore/repair broken MBR (with a backup .bkn file) on the laptop.
But the logon windows still the same, no domain, no challenge code generated.

The user account ha been released by the administrator, the user is able to login on other laptop.
So it seems the the laptop has lost connection with the domain/management center.

Does anyone of you have encountered issue like this, please kindly share.


Also, it is possible to deploy the batch SGN8006 to the laptop in a WinPE Environment?


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