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Editor, bugs and usability issues

I think I've had to rejoin each forum every time I log in anew.

In the post I just added, I had a devil of a time adding the links.  First, the editor should have accepted my text with embedded links instead of adding all of the HTML tags, etc.  Next when I attempted to do things from scratch, I highlighted the text and pressed the Link icon.  The editor filled in the 'Link URL' field with the heighted text instead of putting it into the 'Title' field.  Next, the default should be "Open in new window" or each member should be able to make a selection for that in the personal settings.

If the spell-checker knows I'm writing in English, I shouldn't have to select that for each and every post.

I wanted to tag this with "Gripes," but the only choice available is "firewall" and I wasn't allowed free-form entry.

I selected no notifications in my profile but I have to de-select that every time I create a new post.

This is more of an alpha release than a beta - at least that's how it feels to me.  I know that without a lot of improvement here, there will be less participation by the folks accustomed to the UTM User BB.  I hope you are giving Ruckus enough time and support to make this work well before closing down the current vBulletin solution.

Cheers - Bob

Edit: At least there's a way to edit my posts.  I didn't see that at first until I went spelunking in 'Actions'. ;)

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  • I don't see a way to add smileys. A smiley is a good tool for keeping the mood and culture positive.
    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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  • I just realized that I had created a new thread. Apparently, it's only possible to add a title to a thread, not to a comment.

    Also, when a comment or post is edited, no note is made of who edited it.

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
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  • There is no way link to a particular comment.  This structure of vBulletin, allowing links to specific posts within a thread is heavily used by the UTM User BB members.  This is a deal-breaker unless you also create a wiki where we can put documents that are currently embedded in long threads like Auto-Failover IPsec VPN Connections.

    The link to a specific comment is behind the date-time stamp - cool!

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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  • BAlfson said:
    I think I've had to rejoin each forum every time I log in anew.

    I've had one report on that but then it fixed itself. Please keep an eye on it and let me know if you can recreate. Since it's not happening for most maybe it's a particular browser setting or journey that's causing it.

    BAlfson said:

    In the post I just added, I had a devil of a time adding the links. First, the editor should have accepted my text with embedded links instead of adding all of the HTML tags, etc. Next when I attempted to do things from scratch, I highlighted the text and pressed the Link icon. The editor filled in the 'Link URL' field with the heighted text instead of putting it into the 'Title' field. Next, the default should be "Open in new window" or each member should be able to make a selection for that in the personal settings.

    I noticed that the editor decides you must have highlighted the URL and just want to add so title text when you click on the link button (I do believe this is the wrong way round). The editor is based on TinyMCE. It's not the very latest version of that and when we upgrade the entire platform to the latest version we'll inherit the latest version of TinyMCE - unfortunately we can't upgrade the platform now as the next version is only it beta itself. With the upgrade we should get a raft of improvements.

    BAlfson said:

    If the spell-checker knows I'm writing in English, I shouldn't have to select that for each and every post.

    The OP (yourself in this case) sets the language for the first post and then replies inherit that language. Hence only the OP needs to do this once. Interestingly the language option was only a requirement because of the existing UBB's localized boards. The previous two Sophos boards (SophosTalk and FreeTalk) were strictly English only. It came about from BarryG's comment ( that any user should be able to filter posts for a language of their choice and not wade through posts they cannot hope to read.

    I could have written the initial requirement to be that the language follows whatever is set in the user's profile but I hedged betting that will always be correct as that setting is mainly for displaying localized content in the different 'widgets' of the system and a user may likely want to see one language when browsing, but, for example, always post in English for maximum chances of a reply.

    BAlfson said:

    I wanted to tag this with "Gripes," but the only choice available is "firewall" and I wasn't allowed free-form entry.

    I can see you have been able to do this. The 'Select tags' is giving you a list of existing tags and you are free to ignore this and enter a comma separated list in the text field to the left on the green 'Select tags' button.

    BAlfson said:

    I selected no notifications in my profile but I have to de-select that every time I create a new post.

    I would like to test this. If possible please can you provide steps of what your do and what is unexpected.

    BAlfson said:

    This is more of an alpha release than a beta - at least that's how it feels to me. I know that without a lot of improvement here, there will be less participation by the folks accustomed to the UTM User BB. I hope you are giving Ruckus enough time and support to make this work well before closing down the current vBulletin solution.

    Thanks Bob! I have the time and everyone wants this to be a success. We're welcoming feedback to allow us to steer the platform to the way it needs to be. I know there will be UBB users who like vBulletin, will have used it for many years, and see the move as a break from a very comfortable system. By listening to our community member we hope to show a strong willingness to continue to improve the community and get it to where we all want it to be.

    BAlfson said:

    I don't see a way to add smileys. A smiley is a good tool for keeping the mood and culture positive.

    Agreed. There should be a plugin for this - I'll add that requirement. Thanks.

    BAlfson said:

    I just realized that I had created a new thread. Apparently, it's only possible to add a title to a thread, not to a comment.

    I think it's just a case of familiarizing yourself with the new editor. The first 'Subject' box is just the title of the post (with real time search to head off repeat posts) and the main editor is beneath.

    BAlfson said:

    Also, when a comment or post is edited, no note is made of who edited it.

    I'm assuming you mean something like this: "Last edited by teched; 01-07-2015 at 12:04 PM. Reason: grammar"

    There isn't, to my current knowledge, any message editing audit. I'll look into it but currently I would assume this is a feature vBulletin offers and there isn't an equivalent.

    BAlfson said:

    create a wiki

    We could do this. The platform has the feature and we could switch on a wiki for the UTM group quite easily. I know it's something you have wanted since 2011 and Sophos took over Astaro. The only question on this that I'm aware of (it has been briefly discussed) is if we switch it on, how many users will contribute and who will look after it if the OP disappears.

     - - - - - - - - - - - -

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  • It's not obvious how to quote from a comment.

    "I could have written the initial requirement to be that the language follows whatever is set in the user's profile" - Why not make that the default selection, allowing the member to change it?

    "I can see you have been able to do this. The 'Select tags' is giving you a list of existing tags and you are free to ignore this and enter a comma separated list in the text field to the left on the green 'Select tags' button." - Apparently, you have more privileges than the common user. I tried to enter text into that box, but nothing appeared.  Someone else added the tag to my post.  I see now (editing this post) that I can enter text into the 'Tags' box.  I could not do that when starting the thread.
    " "I selected no notifications in my profile but I have to de-select that every time I create a new post."

    I would like to test this. If possible please can you provide steps of what your do and what is unexpected. " - Clearly, you need to have someone outside of your group try this on their own computer. What about that short sentence is unclear?

    "The first 'Subject' box is just the title of the post (with real time search to head off repeat posts) and the main editor is beneath." - I still don't see where I can create a title for a comment.

    "The only question on this that I'm aware of (it has been briefly discussed) is if we switch it on, how many users will contribute and who will look after it if the OP disappears." - The beauty of the wiki is that others can maintain the entries. Although it's possible to limit editing to the OP and mods, I think the ability of the mods to ban a user will be adequate protection from malicious passersby.

    Cheers - Bob
    PS As the "outsider" that's played here the most, my impression is that this is a lot less ready than your team thinks it is.
    PPS There's way too much pointing and clicking here. I can't even do a Ctrl-S to post a comment or thread-start. Tab-enter works for that.
    PPPS Have you experimented with threads with many comments? The pagination required is painful.

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
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    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
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  • Smilies are now enabled in the rich text editor.

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