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Dual webservers & ports

I am currently "still" using Sophos XG home and love it to just walk away from this issue i am having. 


I have a static ip and have one main domain and a bunch of subdomains pointed at home. points to webserver ip x.x.x.1 forwards to another ip x.x.x2


My problem is i need to forward a https & http to the subdomain. However i'm not able to do this because it wants a certificate for the firewall or is there another way ? 


I can't port forward because it looks at the http domain name to forward to.. 


Help any one ?

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Parents Reply
  • No, this is not working for me.   I use the WAF rule so i can point to internal ip for a few different servers.  


    I'm stumped so far i have spent HOURS AND HOURS trying to get 2 ports 80 & 443 to an internal websver..


    Very frustrating :( 
