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How to reset and reset ALL

Hi guys,

nice to talkt with you all! my name is Daniel.


I really need your help for fix a big trouble.

I've never worked with Sophos so i really don't know what do to in this case.

I am in company with 4 x AP55c and 1 firewall x SG 115.

I really don't know who configured it but now i have to connect another AP and change some password of wifi network but i don't know ho to configure them all.

I read on instruction that i have to use and ip and configuration for access to the configuration page of the firewall but it doesn't work.

Problably old technician change the ip and password of the firewall? in that case what i have to do?

Is it normal that if i cannect a new AP in this moment ALL the network goes down? it's because of the firewall?

Do i need any licence for configure all? or is included in the firewall?


THANKS so much for all information but i am really confused about sophos world ;)

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  • Hi Daniele,

    If I'm understanding correctly, you do not know the IP address of the Firewall's WebAdmin, nor the password used? 

    If you are not able to obtain this from the previous Firewall Administrator then your only option would be to Factory Reset (but that requires knowledge of the root password, and SSH access to your UTM) or Re-Image the UTM. If you have access to backups then you can load the most recent backup, otherwise you would have to configure from scratch.

    For instructions, please follow our KB Article: Sophos UTM: Disaster Recovery

    In terms of your licensing question, there are several different license levels available depending on which firewall features you want to implement. For a quick overview of our UTM license offerings, please read: Sophos UTM Licensing

    Hope that helps,


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Daniele,

    If I'm understanding correctly, you do not know the IP address of the Firewall's WebAdmin, nor the password used? 

    If you are not able to obtain this from the previous Firewall Administrator then your only option would be to Factory Reset (but that requires knowledge of the root password, and SSH access to your UTM) or Re-Image the UTM. If you have access to backups then you can load the most recent backup, otherwise you would have to configure from scratch.

    For instructions, please follow our KB Article: Sophos UTM: Disaster Recovery

    In terms of your licensing question, there are several different license levels available depending on which firewall features you want to implement. For a quick overview of our UTM license offerings, please read: Sophos UTM Licensing

    Hope that helps,


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  | Sign up for SMS Alerts
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