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Comparison Matrix Between Home Editions of Sophos UTM & Sophos XG Firewall

I just learned of Sophos' Home Editions of UTM and XG on last Friday (10/6) so I'm still scratching the surface here so I apologize if this seems like a completely ignorant post.

Seems like there's some overlap between both products, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what is or isn't included.

  • What's present/missing between both solutions
    • Feature UTM XG
      Increase Internet Bandwidth Y Y
      Web Filtering Y Y
      Access Schedules N? Y
      Usage Quotas N? Y
      Mail Filtering Y N?
      VPN Y Y
      AV Scanning Y Y
      Site-to-Site Tunnel Y N?
      And a lot more - what's this mean? Y Y
  • Differences between the home product versus the paid/subscription product
  • Setup documentation be it physical or virtual (Hyper-V, VMware etc.)

I'm interested in seeing how the solutions compares against Untangle, Security Onion & pfSense but I'm also interested in your feedback:

  • if you've gone from UTM to XG
  • if you're using bothUTM & XG (e.g.: hits XG first, then goes to UTM which doesn't have feature a bx c .. N because XG is doing that etc.)
  • if you've used Untangle, Security Onion or pfSense
  • any other bits you have for me


Thanks in advance for your consideration.

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