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Sophos Data Recorder Software - high CPU usage and battery drain


I'm using a laptop called Lenovo x250 at school. Sophos Data Recorder Software is using a lot of CPU usage, overheating the laptop and draining battery. What does the software do and why is that happen?

Sophos is admin locked so I can't do anything :(

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  • Hello john wills,

    can't say why it uses that much resources, what it does is briefly described in SESC: Components and services.
    As the laptop is admin locked - is this your personal laptop? The screenshot suggests that it is centrally managed and whoever that is should be your primary contact.


  • Hi,

    I got the same problem on some of my clients. We use Sophos managed from the Sophos Central and I am the administrator of it. But every once in a while, a user comes to me to complain about the high CPU usage by the Sophos Data Recorder service. Most of the time it uses about 40% of the CPU. What can I do to find the source of the problem?

  • Hi,

    I got the same problem on some of my clients. We use Sophos managed from the Sophos Central and I am the administrator of it. But every once in a while, a user comes to me to complain about the high CPU usage by the Sophos Data Recorder service. Most of the time it uses about 40% of the CPU. What can I do to find the source of the problem?
