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Weird behavior after ISP issues: No http/https, other services/protocols OK

Hello there!

I am experiencing a very weird behavior of my SG210 (UTM9) since one of my three internet connections has an error (due to ISP issues, they're working on it).

I am not even sure whether this has to do with my SG210 or not, but some of you guys might help me solve this problem. Thank you very much in advance.

So, here we go. My three internet connections are being put together by the name and functionality of "Uplink Interfaces". So you do not actually recognize a single connection breaking down because you are being provided with one of the two remaining connections. In certain cases, this does not seem to work. Computers that do have static IPv4 address information instead of DHCP-mode can no longer access any websites. As soon as I put them into DHCP mode and make them get a new IP-address, everything's fine. The funny thing is: even when being in static mode and not able to access any website, some other internet services such as TeamViewer or SIP telephony work as well as LAN functionality in terms of server access and so on. Isn't this weird?

I hope someone can help me out because I am not yet sure whether this issue is going to solve itself as soon as my third connection is going to be online again. In case it won't, I do have a serious problem because I need static IP address information on certain computers.



By the way: yes, the subnet mask as well as the gateway and DNS information is being entered correctly. Clients get the same information that has been entered before when being put on DHCP mode. Except for the IP address. And no, there are not any conflicts because the static IP addresses they have are outside the SG210's DHCP range. And everything worked until yesterday's crash of this one connection.


Thank you very much in advance!


Best Regards,


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