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Can anybody help me with an ISO image for XG?

I was planning to install an XG today, but when trying to download the ISO file, I receive an error (shown below).


This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>

If anybody would share the ISO for a virtual appliance forXG, it would be highly appreciated (Dropbox link, OneDrive ... whatever works for you).




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  • I'm having this same problem.

    I was attempting to download the XG "Firewall OS Software ISO for Intel Hardware" (as I am a home user and wanted to work on trying out XG this weekend).

    I continue to receive the below web error... after going through the steps to accept the privacy policy, etc for the download, just as it should be starting the download this error appears.

    Are there any mirror links or ways around this? I've tried multiple computers and web browsers with the same result.


  • I created a ticket with Sophos support and they have acknowledged the issue, and forwarded it to the responsible team.

    Their twitter support team also looked into it.


    Well... I got a chance to look at pfSense instead of XG, so perhaps we will just use that instead.

  • Thanks. It's good to know it's not just me.

    Any indication how long it would take to be fixed?

    I looked into pfSense briefly, does it have the same blocking/protection capabilities?

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