ZTNA is authenticating but stops loading ... how to debug?

ZTNA has stopped working ... possible after uploading new certificates.

- open "fhem.ztna.mydomain.de"   Authentication is triggered but afterwards i got a black screen

- redirect to AZURE-Auth -- authenticating (i try different users)

- redirected to "gw.ztna.mydomain.de" -> black screen

central say gateway is connected (tried restarting the firewall 24 minuted ago)

Where can i check what's happened?

added screenshot
[bearbeitet von: dirkkotte um 3:41 PM (GMT -7) am 13 Sep 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi,
    I am able to open, Authenticate and use the agentless apps.

    But the agent (from same device) say "Failed to create connection. Server certificate validation error gw.ztna.mydomain.de, due to: certificate verify failed (SSL routines) "  in "Sophos EndPoint self help / ZTNA"
    Can't find some SSL or certificate-problems from within browser.

    PS: The link behind the messages is dead:


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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