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IPSEC site-to-site VPN is up, but no traffic passing

Hi there, 

I have been working on this for a couple of days and not getting any where. 

I have created an IPSEC site-to-site between two Sophos UTMs (an SG330 and SG105), both on version 9.355-1 firmware. 

The IPSEC tunnel says it is up, but it does not look like any traffic is able to pass through. I actually have managed to get traffic through on two occasions with a successful ping test from a computer in the remote network to the HQ network, but this happened randomly and on both occasions stopped working within 5 minutes. 

I can create an SSL site-to-site VPN and that comes up instantly and traffic appears to flow correctly between sites (ping and rdp tests), so I'm thinking i can rule out routing issues and narrow the problem down to the IPSEC tunnel itself. 

A summary of my setup: 

HQ Office (SG330)
internal private lans: and
WAN interface: 220.x.y.z

Remote Gateway settings on HQ SG330 utm: 
Name: Branch
Gateway type: Initiate Connection
Gateway: 115.x.y.z
Auth Type: Preshared Key
Remote networks:

Connection settings on HQ SG330 utm: 
Name: BranchConnect
Remote Gateway: Branch
Local Interface: External (220.x.y.234)
Policy: AES-128
Local Networks: and
Automatically firewall rules checked

Remote Office (SG105)
Internal private lan:
WAN interface: 115.x.y.z (this is a PPOE negotiated dsl connection, but the IP address remains the same)

Remote Gateway settings on Remote SG105 utm: 
Name: HQ
Gateway type: Respond Only
Auth Type: Preshared Key
Remote networks: and

Connection settings on Remote SG105 utm: 
Name: HQConnect
Remote Gateway: HQ
Local Interface: External (115.x.y.116)
Policy: AES-128
Local Networks:
Automatically firewall rules checked

Also, as above, having the remote office as the responder and the HQ office as the initiator is the only way i can get the tunnel to come up. Not sure why that is the case. 

I have also played around with many different setting options (e.g. use Strict Routing, Bind tunnel to local interface, etc), but nothing seems to help. I always end up with where i am now - the tunnel comes up, but no traffic seems to be going through the tunnel (can't ping, can't rdp). 

any help will be greatly appreciated. 



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  • Hi Patrick,

    Reconfigure the IPSec policy on both the end. Post the screenshot of the configuration and let us know if the traffic is forwarded through either end via IPSec. To monitor the packet communication for IPSec tunnel refer .


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Sachin, 

    Apologies for the late reply. I did not receive an email notification that a response had been posted so i didn't read your reply until today. 

    An update of where this problem is at: 

    I have a case open with your tech support team and it is ongoing now for some time.

    I updated to latest firmware on both UTMs (9.405-5) and reconfigured the gateways and connections on both ends. We know my config works because it does connect and traffic does flow sometimes. And it actually can work consistently at times. It can work all day, wit h me disconnecting and re-connecting several times without issue. 

    However it will still randomly show the original problem (tunnel comes up, but no traffic allowed through). I have tried to get your tech team to log in remotely and see it in action, but unfortunately they haven't had the chance as yet. 

    So at this point: 

    - we know config is correct as it does work sometimes
    - problem still randomly happens (tunnel will come up but no traffic whatsoever will go through either end)
    - When it does happen, there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to behave again (have tried reboots, disconnects, reconnects, etc). I just leave it for a few hours or until next day and the find it suddenly works again. 
    - problem does not happen with SSL tunnels (they come up and allow traffic every single time I have tested)

    If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. This problem is a weird one, and i suspect it will take a while to figure out, so any help will be much appreciated. 



  • Hi Patrick,

    If you look into the ESPdump captures, as referred in my previous post you can verify whether the UTM is forwarding the packets and if the request is responded or not via both ends. If the communication is one-sided, you can verify the IPSec connection with a different ISP line on both ends. I am sure this can help.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Sachin, 

    The ESPdump is helpful. It is getting more information: 

    - when the problem presents itself, ESPdump on the HQ side sees traffic coming from the Remote side (ICMP tests done from a computer on the remote lan to a computer at the HQ end)

    - however, ESPdump does not show any traffic leaving the HQ side to the remote side (either the replies from the above ping test, or a separate ping test from an computer in the HQ lan to a computer in the Remote lan)

    So it looks like when the problem presents, the HQ utm is deciding not to send traffic down its tunnel. 

    When it does work, i can see traffic both sides using ESPdump, so I'm assuming that puts the problem on the HQ utm end (SG 330) 

    I checked to see if a route had been created and there is one in the route table (i.e. Use Interface eth1 (Ext WAN int)) 

    Any other suggestions on what i can test?

  • Hi Patrick,

    Amazing, now check if anything is dropped via HQ UTM. Check #1 from this amazing guide by balfson.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Sachin, 

    Thanks. I have checked: 

    - Instrusion Prevention is Off on both ends

    - Application Control is not being used

    - I have wateched the HQ firewall logs and not noticed any dropped traffic destined for Remote office

    Any other suggestions?

    Please keep in mind that this exact same config will randomly decide to work. I could come in tomorrow morning and find it working. I can then turn it off/on several times and it will remain working.

    I'm thinking at this point, we've managed to figure out that it is the HQ end and it is related to the IPSEC tunnel. It does not seem to be sending traffic down the tunnel (proven with the espdump). What else can i check to see why it would not be sending traffic down the tunnel? 

  • The most disappointing thing about this whole experience is how Sophos Support has been. We have "Premium" support on both our UTMs and it's been weeks since i first logged the issue. To date i've only received first level support and the time in between responses there could be days. Only for him to confirm "yes, something is odd here". That was a week ago. It was "escalated" but i am yet to hear from anyone. 

    I have looked through other threads and I notice similar experiences. In particular, ones where something that was working before a firmware update is suddenly broken. That screams firmware bug and you would think Sophos would be on it straight away to assist. I am seeing a trend of things breaking after updates and then little assistance from Sophos to resolve - really shakes my confidence in the product and makes me wonder what we are getting paying for "premium" support. 

  • Hi Patrick, 

    We regret the poor experience you had with Support. Can you please provide me the case# so I can take a look at the history and try to find the required solution?

    Meanwhile, go to IPSec> Debug, and select the IKE Debugging flags. Verify the logs if any suspicious information is captured for disconnection over IPSec, you can also send me an instance of the debug logs when you face the disconnection.  I would like to look into the logs from both ends HO and BO. 


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Sachin, 

    The case no is #6417303. Yesterday I did manage to get a call from another tech (funnily enough not long after i posted here). He did make quite a few log captures of things he thought would be useful and has gone away to look them over. The first level tech that responded also took a number of log captures as well. So i would say you should be able to see quite a lot of captures in the case history. 



  • Hi Patrick,

    The case is with the escalation team and the engineer can call you in 8am – 6pm AEST Mon-Fri. Please drop a mail about your availability so that he can reach you. I am following up with the case#.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Sachin, 

    Yes, thanks. I am aware that it has been escalated and have given them my availability. 

    Just to update you with the latest development (and i will try to continue updating here in case other people have similar issues): 

    I've had to roll ahead with my project and put the remote utm into production. The site-to-site is connected with an SSL vpn which seems to be doing ok. We would much rather have it on IPSEC so i will continue with trying to get this issue resolved. With both units now in production sites, it will make it a lot harder to troubleshoot and give your engineers access but we could not wait as there is no predictable time frame for a solution. 

    We do have a standby utm which i can use to recreate the issue with another branch site. I will most likely set that up and use that when Sophos engineers get in touch. I will give them all this same details so they know what has changed since the start of this case. 

  • Patrick, you commented that IPS was off.  Did you actually look at the logs recommended in my post that Sachin linked to?

    The only thing that Premium UTM Support buys you is the ability to open a Support Ticket yourself and to be able to call Support to open a ticket.  "Premium Sophos Support" that offers the kind of response that you wanted is over US$10K per year.  Sophos doesn't make this clear and most uninformed Sophos resellers aren't aware of the expensive service.

    None of my clients uses the ability to open their own support tickets - they all call/email me.  For no extra charge, I look at their box and then open a ticket with Sophos Support.  If I can immediately resolve the issue in the time it normally takes to open a ticket, I do so for no extra charge.  I estimate that this "costs" me less than 15 minutes per year per client.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi Bob, 

    Yes. I actually did. I have spent many hours on this, as have 2 separate techs from Sophos. Where it stands now is that i think they suspect it is a 'bug' of some sort as they have mentioned that they have had similar reports and there is also apparently a 'defect report' against the latest firmware with very similar descriptions. 

    I sense that you felt the need to come to Sopho's defence - let me assure you that i am not here to bad-mouth anybody. I have something broken and am just trying to find a resolution. I do believe using the word "premium" was a poor choice of word for what i would consider "standard" support, but that is just one person's opinion. At times, frustration gets the better of me, but i believe i have done well to bite my tongue. At the end of the day, Sophos' devices are still amazing products. To have one device that can do so many roles and functions is impressive. For any IT tool though, reliability and support are just as important as any technology feature (again this is just one person's opinion). Perhaps this will come in time as the product gets refined. For me personally, this experience means it falls short. Otherwise i suspect i would be singing their praises much like yourself. 

  • I think we agree more than you thought, Patrick.  I think basic "Premium" support is worthless if you have a competent reseller, and agree that the marketing team has let Sophos down by failing to clarify what people are buying.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Was there ever resolution to this issue... I have seen it occur twice in my space, now being the second occurrence... No configuration changes, no upgrades, the site to site ipsec tunnel just stops passing traffic. I am green connected on both sides. I can ping from one site and I see it go out and touch the other site (in live log) but never get to the destination. And if I reverse that and ping from the destination back, I see it ONLY in the remote sites live log...

    Was there a bug and if so what it ever fixed...


  • I just remembered how I fixed this the first time and was able to fix it again... EXTREMELY odd issue... My pppoe device is setup as a bridge, and even the IPSEC connection is established with no issues from site to site, there is still something in the bridge that is preventing the communication, an mtu issue maybe... I reset the bridge at the remote location and everything is working again, but again its bridged, so might as well be a switch...

    So you would think, when the tunnel is established, all the communications would ride over the tunnel, but there is something in the bridge, that even though the traffic is encapsulated, is impacted by that bridge...

    Couldnt find it earlier, but here is my first post of the issue:

  • Hi Brian, 

    Unfortunately, no 'resolution' to the IPSEC issue as i did not have unlimited time to work on it and needed a working solution. I ended up switching to an SSL site-to-site tunnel and that has been working solidly since. I would have preferred the IPSEC tunnel, but at the end of the day for what our business needs, the SSL is serving fine. 

    It was a while ago and i can't remember exactly everything that was tried, but i did put a lot of work into it. We don't use a PPOE connection for our WAN, but we do have our provider's metro-ethernet equipment attached to our WAN interface - we don't have config access to that, but i'm pretty sure i did check with them at the time and they assured me it was simply doing the routing. Also tried rebooting all equipment both ends. Also tried playing around with MTU settings to rule that out as being the issue. 

    I have been wanting to completely wipe the UTMs and clean-build it with the latest stable firmware, load our firewall config and then try an IPSEC tunnel again but unfortunately, time does not permit. I wanted to try this approach as we had suspicions that this for whatever reason might be connected to firmware upgrades being applied over an existing config. Maybe one day.