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After enabling OTP, user not able to logs into the User Portal for the first time, no QR code available in Sophos UTM 9

Existing user can login to user portal (https://xxxx) when OTP is disabled. But as soon as I enabled One Time Password from "Definitions & Users" the user not able to login to portal.

Error is "Invalid username/password, or access denied by policy". Created new users also , added to OTP User Group, selected "Auto-create OTP tokens for users". But when logging for the first time, no QR code is available.

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  • FYI, we use local sophos users (no external AD used) and we can log in to the user portal without any problems.
    After I've activated OTP, with "All users must use one-time passwords" and "Auto-create OTP tokens for users" checked, not able to login. 

    If I disable OTP the login works again just fine.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Go to Authentication Services / One-time Password / OTP Tokens

    Scan the bar code for user using Google Authenticator app

    Then logon to portal with username and password plus code generated from Google Authenticator


    That's it

  • Many more thanks Patrick for your response.

    I can manually add the OTP Token and can get bar code from "Show Token QR Code" of that user. and scan from Google/ Sophos Authenticator.

    My issue is , after I create any user, he/she should get QR Code in his/her first login, which is not coming.

  • Many more thanks Patrick for your response.

    I can manually add the OTP Token and can get bar code from "Show Token QR Code" of that user. and scan from Google/ Sophos Authenticator.

    My issue is , after I create any user, he/she should get QR Code in his/her first login, which is not coming.
