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cc one liner to add portal user

Hi All,

We have been playing with the AD options for users to auth in to the portal but nothing is really working the way we need it to work so looking at a simple manual add from the command line.

What i need is a one liner from the cli to add a basic portal local user, assign password, assign an email address to it and put into a portal user group

i found this line in other forums

confd-client.plx change_object `confd-client.plx get_objects_filtered "\$_->{data}->{name} eq \"testuser\"" | pcregrep -o REF_AaaUse[A-Za-z]*` md4hash `printf "newtapassword" | iconv -f ASCII -t UTF-16LE | openssl dgst -md4 | cut -f 2 -d \ `

but i think its more designed to modify an admin than create a simple portal user

if anyone has a one liner for this i can use to script add bulk local portal users would be much appreciated




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