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Sophos AP100 and 5 GHz Mesh

Hello all,

i just got 2 Sophos AP100 and was hoping that I could use them to set up a 5GHz mesh, according to the Mesh compatibility list they should be compatible in Sophos UTM for 5 GHz mesh.

Firmware Version is 9.716-2

However, I cannot create a 5GHz mesh an add one of them to it, I always get the error message "Does not support mesh in this band".

I can add them both to a 2.4GHz without a problem. I tried deleting the mesh, recreating it, no success with 5GHz.

Is there anything more I have to do to get the AP100 to a 5 GHz mesh?



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Parents Reply
  • Yep, 5 GHz alone works also fine, that means I can connect the two AP100 in 2.4 GHz mesh and then use the 5 Ghz band on clients, just in the moment when i try to set up a 5 Ghz mesh (after deleting the old one of course) it instantly tells me "not possible".
