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Sophos SG-Series, WAF, url_hardening: error

Gibt es irgendwo eine Doku, wo mögliche Fehler näher beschrieben werden?

Wir erhalten im log bei einer neuen, zu veröffentlichen URL den o.g. Fehler mit dem Extra: No signature found.
Der Client erhält: Forbidden, You don´t have permission to access this ressource
Schalte ich von Reject auf Monitor, funktioniert der Aufruf.

Was kann das sein, wo kann ich ansetzen?

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  • Hello there,

    Good day and thanks for your patience. 

    If none of the above steps would work. May I recommed you to open a support case for this to be further investigated. You may also refer to this community post to detail steps that we have already did. You may also share caseID with us via DM or by replying to this thread. 

    Many thanks for your time and patience and thank you for choosing Sophos


    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Sophos Support Videos Product Documentation  |  @SophosSupport  | Sign up for SMS Alerts
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  • We tested again and found a solution for [url_hardening:error] No signature found
    For entry URL we defined /abc/index.php and for Exception /abc/*

    But it doens´t solve the problem that I don´t know what causes these error and what the is the risk with configured exception.

    Any idea?

  • Hello,

    Good day hope you are well

    Thanks for your patience on this. As recommended above, please open a support case for this to have further investigated by an engineer and you may also refer to this community post, for you not to explain every details of the issue and the troubleshooting steps that has already been done. Kindly share with us via DM or by replying to this thread the would be generated caseID so we can track progress on our end. 

    Many thanks for your time and patience and thank you for choosing Sophos.


    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Sophos Support Videos Product Documentation  |  @SophosSupport  | Sign up for SMS Alerts
    If a post solves your question use the 'Verify Answer' link.