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Is a limit of 50 IP addresses still realistic for home use? UTM vs XG (when will UTM be retired)?

I found a closed, 5 year old discussion with the same subject which bares revisiting.

With IPs in just about every technical device (camera's smart TVs, appliances, lighting, speakers... the list goes on and on) is 50 still feasible for Sophos UTM and what exactly happens when you reach the limit.

I'm showing: Number of IP addresses currently in use: 68 (exceeds license by 13).  I've tested IPs at the top and bottom of the list and from what I can tell they work perfectly and I can ping from them.  I do receive some email alerts but other than that I don't see that it's blocking anything.

I'm at the latest firmware and pattern version:
Firmware version: 9.711-5
Pattern version: 210032


1. Can someone from Sophos please address this issue and ask management/dev if they would remove this limitation as it doesn't appear to be enforced and it can be gotten around by either subnetting or adding another router?  It's just a nuisance with no real gain for anyone. 

2. Some have suggested migrating to XG Firewall but other say that the product lacks maturity and features.  What are the differences between the two products?

3. I was surprised that when I went to the bookmark I had for UTM ( it redirected me and took me to the XG Firewall page.  Does this mean that UTM is going to be sunsetted and replaced the XG? If so when?

4. I'm running on 2 Intel based SFF PCs in an HA config. If XG Firewall is the replacement for UTM is there a migration path? 

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