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WIFI only at 400Mbps Sophos AP55

Dear all


I just bought a AP55 and according to sophos its radio type is 802.11ac

But my MacBook Pro and Google Pixel can only connect at 400Mbps speed.

Both my MBP and Google Pixel supports 802.11ac, when MBP connects to AP55 connection details shows AP PHY type is 802.11ac but I just don't understand why only 400Mbps

any idea?



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  • In Wireless, there is a concept of max data throughput rate vs actual performance based on real-time conditions. 

    A 2x2:2 special stream radio is capable of speed up to 867Mbps in 5GHz mode. This is a max speed available on that HW. 

    There are multiple factors that affect a typical Wireless performance, including but not limited to: 


    1. Aittime fairness

    2. Client/AP environment

    3. Wireless Client capability, distance and RF transmit/receive sensitivity

    4. Power save mode/Max. power/performance mode on a client

    5. Location of the client and antenna attenuation

    6. Interference on channel, contamination/usage of the band

    Due to all of these factors typical/real-life performance is 50-70% of the rated MAX performance (867Mbps). 

    So in a real-throughput scenario, this would be never 800Mbps or higher than that because it is impossible to get that level of performance in open air environment. 

    IF you still have further concerns/questions - I am more than happy to get on a call. Please open a support ticket so we can track this. 




  • Just found this

     reply to BeanAnimal:

    Hi folks,
    I think some of my AP 50 iperf results my be a little flawed. I received a new AP 55C today and being a tech head couldn't wait to install it.
    The mac mini I did most of the iperf testing with only connected at 216mb/s, where as the mac book pro connected at 650mb/s and the W10 box with an TP-Link USB 3 dongle connected at the advertised rate of 867mb/s.

    My MacBook Pro is June 2017 model can only connect at 400mbps

    In addition, Sophos AP is a little bit expensive.

    Cisco WAP571 (1300 Mbps 11ac + 600 Mbps 11n) 213 AUD

    Ubiqiti AC PRO (1300 Mbps 11ac + 450 Mbps 11n) 185 AUD

    Sophos AP55  (866 Mbps 11ac + 300 Mbps 11n) 295 AUD


    Hope you guys can do better