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Sophos APX series - please stop auto updates or feature request to add it

I've gone through 3 APX's which bricked after an auto update.

Could we please get a feature request added to stop auto updates and allow customers to do it at their will vs. Sophos?

Your major competitors in this space allow users to update on their schedule and hold off on updating.

Lastly, Sophos needs to do a better job of clarifying the license transfer process from old to RMA (new) APX for Central management

I've followed the KB without success and I've had a terrible experience with support in following up and making a simple phone call.


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  • Hello Chris,

    Thank you for contacting the Sophos Community!

    I will pass your comments about the auto updates to DEV for consideration of this feature.

    Do you have any case entered for the 3 APXs that bricked after the auto-update?

    Also, can you share the KB you mentioned so I can send to the KB team for revision, and let me know what would be your suggestion. 


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Good afternoon Emmanuel,

    The 3 cases I had for Bricked AP's have all been resolved. 

    My experience comes from deployments using Cisco and Aruba Wireless products. Both give the option to "turn on and off" updates and stage updates.

    This would be useful in my case where new firmware is implemented and gives your "customer" the ability to control the products they've purchased from Sophos.

    I'm hoping Sophos product managers will listen to engineers / architects in the industry and implement a simple feature.

    I'll close with this last remark; 

    If you had 20 - 100 APX's deployed at a customer location(s), you do "not" want auto updates. Especially at a business which has a 2nd and 3rd shift (24 hours), for example, manufacturing. As a wireless engineer, I need the ability to conduct updates in a staged manner at MY discretion (not Sophos). 

    In places where I've deployed Cisco and Aruba in large scale migration / implementation, both of your competitors give the customer the ability to do staged updates and not auto update to limit risk and outage time. If done correctly at a well engineered location, this could mitigate any outages with proper wireless overlap.

    I hope you will give this serious thought and consideration. Your competition has. In order for Sophos to continue to be a technical leader and innovator in this already mature space, you should add this feature immediately within your code pipeline.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Chris,

    We have this feature as a part of our backlog. Currently, we provide the users with an option to schedule the upgrade at any flexible date and time to make sure there is minimal impact on the users. The reason why we haven't gone with an option yet to disable image upgrade is that we would want the customers to be on the either the latest firmware image or the one before it. This would help them be up to date with not the just the latest features but also security patches if any. 
