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Not able to register AP to Sophos Central


we have 7 new AP 55 wireless access points.

We want to register them in the sophos central cloud. But i am not able to register the ap there.

What is wrong or missing?

The AP have full internet access.

What can i do?



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Parents Reply
  • Hi Flo,

    the AP do not have a sticker like this.

    At registration time in the sophos central i got the error: "cannot register access point".

    The AP itself gets an ip from dhcp and is pingable.

    If i put the AP behind a sophos SG or XG firewall i can see that i was able to manage it with the SG or XG firewall. (but it did not manage the AP with the firewalls! they are not registered)

    If i put it behind a normal router i am not able to register it to sophos central.

    So are my AP 55's are not sophos central ready?

