
The product team is pleased to announce the introduction of the MSP Flex monthly billing for the AP6 Series Access points support and services. This new capability allows Sophos MSP partners to provide monthly billing for support and services for the AP6 Series access points. Please contact your Sophos MSP partner if you are interested in monthly billing for Sophos AP6 Series access points support and services.

MSP partners can choose to enable MSP Flex monthly billings for specific customer accounts in Sophos Central.

If a customer account is enabled for Monthly billing, and you are managing AP6 Series access points.

  • Term license behavior is unchanged. Keys for term license/s may not be applied in accounts enabled for monthly billing.
  • AP6 Series access points will be included in monthly billing if:
    • The Sophos Central account is enabled for monthly billing.
    • The AP6 Series access points are enabled for monthly billing on your account (Controlled by your MSP).
    • You manage at least one AP6 Series access point in your Sophos Central account.
  • If you bought a term license for your AP6 Series access point but were unable to apply it to your account, contact your MSP partner to coordinate when it should be enabled for your account.

Customer Dashboard View

For additional details on how to manage the MSP Flex monthly billing please visit MSP Flex: Sophos Switch and Wireless AP6 Series.