Connection could not be loaded

I've named my connection same as SSL VPN Remote access policy and another same as Sophos Client Connect Name in XG. However, I'm always getting the same error message.
I know that the client does connect to the user portal as I'm getting another error with wrong login credentials.

In scvpn.log I see "err Failed to download the configuration: <name>"

What would be the issue here, do I may need an XG V18? Currently I'm running V17.5.11.

  • Can you share some screenshots and the windows version? 

    Maybe also share your .pro File with blurred Information. 


  • .pro-File:
    "display_name": "NAME_VPN-1",
    "gateway": "<DNS1>",
    "user_portal_port": 443,
    "otp": true,
    "auto_connect_host": "<DNS1>",
    "can_save_credentials": true,
    "check_remote_availability": true,
    "run_logon_script": false
    "display_name": "NAME_VPN-2",
    "gateway": "<DNS2>",
    "user_portal_port": 443,
    "otp": true,
    "auto_connect_host": "<DNS2>",
    "can_save_credentials": true,
    "check_remote_availability": true,
    "run_logon_script": false

    Windows 10(x64) Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363

    Screenshot from log (german):

    If I do import my old .scx file I can connect without any issue.

  • Hello,


    Since you are not getting an error on importing the .pro file, the next most important to check is "user_portal_port": 443. Make sure the user portal port on XG is set to the same value as you have provided in the .pro file. Also  the value for "auto_connect_host": "<DNS1>", MUST be an internal hostname that can be reached ONLY when the computer is connected on the internal network. If you are connecting from home, then that hostname is not reachable and hence the client will determine you are outside and automatically initiate the VPN tunnel to DNS1.


    Please let us know if this works. 


  • Hello,

    as mentioned before the user portal is available for sure, as this only appears with correct provided credentials. "Failed to download the configuration" sound for me like client cannot download something (policy-files) form user portal.

  • Hello,


    Please check the SSL VPN policy and make sure this user is included in SSL VPN (remote access), Policy members list. If that is verfied then check for allowed number of simultaneous login allowed for this user.


    Please let us know.


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