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Sophos Firewall: Authentication Multi UPN configuration

Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.


This Recommended Reads instructs on how to configure authentication of multi-UPN.


In Microsoft Active Directory, a User Principal Name (UPN) is a username and domain in an email address format. In a UPN, the username is followed by a separator "at sign" (@) followed by the active directory's internet domain.

For more reference, kindly see

UPN suffixes form part of Active Directory (AD) login names. For example, if your login name is administrator@sophoslab.local, the part of the name to the right of the ampersand is known as the UPN suffix (so, in this case, sophoslab.local).

Editor’s Note: If you need a quick primer on what UPN is from a Microsoft perspective, an article about UPN on the Windows Developer Network elaborates:


“This attribute contains the UPN, an Internet-style login name for a user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. The UPN is shorter than the distinguished name and easier to remember. By convention, this will map to the user email name. The value set for this attribute equals the length of the user’s ID and the domain name.”


When you configure a new user account in AD, you’re given the option to select a UPN suffix, which, by default, will be the DNS name for your AD domain. There are situations where selecting UPN suffixes can be useful. If your AD domain name is sophoslab.local, it might be more convenient to assign users a UPN suffix of To make additional UPN suffixes available, add them to AD.

Active Directory

Many customers have UPNs, especially when using hybrid solutions for O365, Azure, or organizational needs.

Open Active Directory. In the user properties, select Account and follow the screenshot for more details.

Sophos Firewall

Go to Network>DNS and enter the names and IPs as the same in the Domain Controller.

Then go to Authentication>Servers

This way, users are authenticated even if they belong to different UPNs but belong to the same Domain Server

image upn
[autore modifica: GiuseppeI alle 4:51 PM (GMT -7) del 25 Jun 2024]
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  • Thank you i really appreciate your opinion on this article :-)

    The guide is designed in a generic way, each infrastructure has different needs and the configuration should be customized, I will answer the first question: it fails because UPN contains name@domain, you could customize it and just take the name and not UPN

    The format used in the sAMAccountName is this: DomainName\AccountUserName. So, if your domain name (NetBIOS) was "sophoslab," you would access your workstation like this: sophoslab\giuseppe.

    This type of access method is also visible today, in Windows 10 and Windows 11 . However, these more modern operating systems are designed with DNS in mind . This is why the preferred method of logging in today is via the "User Principal Name," based on DNS attributes.

    Second question:  it is always Active directory that responds to firewall allows later "permission", in achive directory the user can have different UPNs but it does not depend on Sophos