Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

Comments in SCX files

Hi all,

When editing an SCX file for Sophos XG / Connect VPN, is there a way that you can add comments into the file for information, i.e. in a split tunnel config, can we make a note of what the network address / range relates to?

Current config looks like below.

"remote_ts": [

I posted before and was told to use format as below, but this fails to import, with a File Import Error, connection could not be parsed, unknown format, on our mac Sophos Connect client v1.4

"remote_ts": [
# Access Server X
# Access Network Y

What an I missing?


Edited TAGs
[edited by: Erick Jan at 12:11 AM (GMT -7) on 24 May 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi Erick,

    Have tried the SCX on mac and windows machines.

    I'm confused when you say use the updated version.  Of what?   Connect v1.4 is the newest version on MacOS as it hasn't been updated by the Sophos Devs in years.

    Windows we have tried in the latest v 2.3

    Also tried exporting the config from the XG, and literally adding one line as below.  Still, parse error

    "remote_ts" : [
