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Slow Browsing - XGS 4500 HA Version 20 GA


we are experiencing some loading time issues with browsing though the web (slow browsing).
The browser software doesn't matter here (Firefox, Edge, Chrome etc.)
Quite often there is a loading time up to 10-15 sec for opening a normal website.

Its very hard to troubleshoot and I also followed the following KBA
(which didn't help me)

No Sort of DoS / IPS floods (all zero)
Our bandwith is 500.000 kbits download/upload.. no issues reported from our ISP.
Using XGS 4500 HA in (Active-Passive Mode) 20 GA

Usually around 300-500 deviced connected:

Any more ideas what I can check or do to nail it down?
Thanks for your input.

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