Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Port 113

Sooo when scanning the system i've noticed 113 is the only port showing as closed / reject. Since the other ports are Drop I've created a rule to drop 113 from all connections but SFOS isn't honoring the rule. Why?  Why would they decided to reject only 113?

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  • I fixed this by loading 19.5 and updating it to 20. IDENT port 113 is now stealth.  Not sure why but what works works.  Thanks everyone for the replies.

    echo "           __     __         __         __     __    _______               ";
    echo ".--------.|__|.--|  |.-----.|__|.-----.|  |--.|  |_ |     __|.--.--..-----.";
    echo "|        ||  ||  _  ||     ||  ||  _  ||     ||   _||__     ||  |  ||     |";
    echo "|__|__|__||__||_____||__|__||__||___  ||__|__||____||_______||_____||__|__|";
    echo "                                |_____|                                    ";

    ~~~ I miss Port 17. Remember using telnet to get the Quote of the Day? Maybe I'll set one up for all the port scanners.  ~~~ 

  • I fixed this by loading 19.5 and updating it to 20. IDENT port 113 is now stealth.  Not sure why but what works works.  Thanks everyone for the replies.

    echo "           __     __         __         __     __    _______               ";
    echo ".--------.|__|.--|  |.-----.|__|.-----.|  |--.|  |_ |     __|.--.--..-----.";
    echo "|        ||  ||  _  ||     ||  ||  _  ||     ||   _||__     ||  |  ||     |";
    echo "|__|__|__||__||_____||__|__||__||___  ||__|__||____||_______||_____||__|__|";
    echo "                                |_____|                                    ";

    ~~~ I miss Port 17. Remember using telnet to get the Quote of the Day? Maybe I'll set one up for all the port scanners.  ~~~ 

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