Hi, I have gone through a fair bit of posts and how-to online, so I decided to post the question here, after 5 days researching this.
My setup:
Motherboard with 1 built-in 1000mb/s ethernet port, 2x PCI-e cards HP NIC 2 ports each at 2500mb/s, 3x PCI-e cards 1 port each at 1000mb/s (totalling 8 ethernet ports)
Install went through completely fine, I used the recommended security settings from initial wizard.
What do I have now: 1 HP NIC card has the WAN port and LAN port working ok.
What I don't get: all other ports are showing in the UI interface, I have tried dhcp and fixed IP under networking, also same and different masking. but I get no internet access when I plug a cable into one of them
What I would like:
What is the simplest way, as little configuration as possible, to have all ports working, ideally in the same range as LAN1 so that I can have internet access in all 7 ports in a plug-and-play mode.
I have read a lot about bridge mode, not too sure if I need that on WAN or the working LAN1.
Could someone kindly let me know the easiest way to achieve that?
I'll work my way up, learning this platform, it will be quite a learning curve as there's so many features inside the software that I got overwhelmed just reading to sort this initial issue.
Anyway thanks in advance.
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