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What is the step to configure SD-RED 20 with VLANs?

What is the step to configure SD-RED 20 with VLANs?

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  • Thank you for your tips. If bridge to LAN port (in HQ), does it mean the RED device (in branch) also using same network with HQ? 

  • Yes if it you put the tagged vlans of the HQ to the branch. But it is not supported (so don‘t wonder if your branch networks maybe someday are offline).

    Also the small RED of course has not the power for big data traffic (see data-throughput of the 20) but for small it should be no problem.

  • Hi Quallensaft, thank you for your reply.

    So mean I need create different VLAN from HQ if I don't want use same VLAN in my branch right?

    or there is possible to create tagged VLAN under RED interface (which already under bridge interface), not under Bridge interface? So, it only can use same VLAN with different. Because if possible, I want use same VLAN on each branch but with different IP.

  • If you want to create tagged VLANs, not in bridged mode, you'll need a RED60 as I suggested originally.

    CTO, Convergent Information Security Solutions, LLC

    Sophos Platinum Partner


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