Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Sophos Connect Losing Connections/Profiles

We've moved to Sophos Connect and have found that some of our users are losing their connections in the app.

For instance, as part of a software deployment, we will push Sophos Connect and the Provisioning File to the client with an automatic import. This Provisioning File will then import two SSL VPN gateways to the client.From here, they can connect and everything seems well.

However, without a known reason these will at times vanish from the Connect app. The user has to then manually import the connections via the provisioning file to get these back - again, they can then vanish without explanation.

This is especially problematic as the users will then have to come back on site for the policy to download, as the User Portal is not available to them over the WAN.

Whilst we could enable the User Portal on the WAN, it exposes the Firewall to abuse. So this is a step we want to avoid. Additionally, it wouldn't appear to be the cause as to why the user's Connect Gateway Connections are vanishing.

We are running SFOS 19.5.0 GA-Build197 and Sophos Connect

Can anyone advise?

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  • We have been experiencing this since DAY 1 with Sophos Connect on some old version. Now with 2.2.90 and 19.0.2 and 19.5.0 (the SFOS version makes no difference, it seems it's a client side issue) and as we have been using .PRO imports since the beginning - these still disappear.

    Usually I find it's on the very first sign off / sign in.

    When I set up a user with a .PRO and get them functioning and connected, we 'Sign Out' and then sign back in to Windows and try again. It's a total 50/50 shot whether that profile is still there or whether we have to import the .PRO. Again.

    How is this still happening?

    This is not sustainable to support hundreds or thousands of users.

    Edit: The old SSL VPN had virtually no multi-factor implementation, so Sophos Connect is a MUST to even have a separate place for the OTP code to go. I have no idea how this is a reasonable solution the way it is. The old SSL VPN app at least had the profiles sitting as files in a directory so you knew what they were, they couldn't disappear, and you could even modify them with a text editor. Where is Sophos Connect storing these profiles? This should be something we can back up, verify, or even manually upload the configuration. But it requires 'hands on' every time, just to set up a .PRO. That's to add to the fact they have to log in TWICE to configure. Once it 'downloads the configuration' and the second time it 'logs in'.... but it doesn't 'Save' the user or password the first time. Why is it even a checkbox? I could go on and on but I'll stop. It just should never lose its config. Ever. It's been going on for years now.

  • We have been experiencing this since DAY 1 with Sophos Connect on some old version. Now with 2.2.90 and 19.0.2 and 19.5.0 (the SFOS version makes no difference, it seems it's a client side issue) and as we have been using .PRO imports since the beginning - these still disappear.

    Usually I find it's on the very first sign off / sign in.

    When I set up a user with a .PRO and get them functioning and connected, we 'Sign Out' and then sign back in to Windows and try again. It's a total 50/50 shot whether that profile is still there or whether we have to import the .PRO. Again.

    How is this still happening?

    This is not sustainable to support hundreds or thousands of users.

    Edit: The old SSL VPN had virtually no multi-factor implementation, so Sophos Connect is a MUST to even have a separate place for the OTP code to go. I have no idea how this is a reasonable solution the way it is. The old SSL VPN app at least had the profiles sitting as files in a directory so you knew what they were, they couldn't disappear, and you could even modify them with a text editor. Where is Sophos Connect storing these profiles? This should be something we can back up, verify, or even manually upload the configuration. But it requires 'hands on' every time, just to set up a .PRO. That's to add to the fact they have to log in TWICE to configure. Once it 'downloads the configuration' and the second time it 'logs in'.... but it doesn't 'Save' the user or password the first time. Why is it even a checkbox? I could go on and on but I'll stop. It just should never lose its config. Ever. It's been going on for years now.
