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AD Server Authentication Drops over IPSEC S2S VPN

Hi All,

Recently one of our clients who have a server setup with a Sophos XG210 at their HQ have opened up a new branch that only has desktops and no servers. Machines are connected to a domain and a few of the users from head office have moved to the new branch. We have installed a XG106 and have setup an IPSEC S2S connection using the Sophos guide. 

After speaking to Sophos support they have advised that we do not need to setup the routes as mentioned in 

We have been since experiencing an issue where things are fine for a few days and then randomly one of the users is unable to access the main DC at HQ, browsing to network shares just hangs, to get around this we can change the IP address on the machine to a new static and things are then fine again but a few days later it will either happen to the same person or a different person. The strange thing is that the same user can still access the terminal server located at HQ and the other servers, they just lose access to the main DC. Also if we connect to the SSL remote VPN everything works fine. 

The setup is:

Site 1: HQ: XG210, Lan, Network, Main DC ( located at this office

Site 2: Branch: XG106: Lan, Network: No Servers at this location only domain joined PC's

- Forgot to mention that we have STAS setup aswell.

Thank you in advance to anyone who has any ideas.

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  • I have just switched on the packet capture for one of the IP's and will send over the logs once the issue happens again. It happened this morning to one of the guys but I have not been in the office to get the packet capture going. 

  • Could be related to the logoff detection.

    Check the steps of the AD Server, if it can actually verify the user logged in via WMI or not. 


  • So it happened again this morning at around 10:30 which was about 2 hours ago. i logged onto the firewall and checked the packet capture but it had switched itself off, is there a way to keep this on? 

    Still need to log into the above which i am booked in tomorrow to have a look at and check.  

  • Hi Lucar,

    Have setup the GP rules as listed in the KB you sent across and i can verify on the local network but i get the below when checking the branch.

    Also when I run the below test I get a failure

    I also had a look at some of the logs and found the below, if they are any help. This was as they called us saying things had stopped working and we have given them new IP's

    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : dca_eventlog: userinfo enqueued to dca processor
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : dca_eventlog: got Kerberos authentication event
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_kerberos: UserName: USER1
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_kerberos: DomainName: *******.LOCAL
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_kerberos: IPv6 WorkstationIP: :
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_kerberos: IPv4 WorkstationIP:
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_common: Event ID: 4768
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_common: EventType: AuditSuccess
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_common: CreateTime: 1650327826
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_common: ExpireTime: 1650328431
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : init_userinfo_common: LogonType: 2
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:47 : dca_eventlog: userinfo enqueued to dca processor
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : dca_eventlog: got Kerberos authentication event
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_kerberos: UserName: USER2
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_kerberos: DomainName: ********.local
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_kerberos: IPv6 WorkstationIP: :
    MSG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_kerberos: IPv4 WorkstationIP:
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_common: Event ID: 4768
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_common: EventType: AuditSuccess
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_common: CreateTime: 1650327831
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_common: ExpireTime: 1650328436
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : init_userinfo_common: LogonType: 2
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : dca_eventlog: userinfo enqueued to dca processor
    DEBUG [0x17ec] 19/04/2022 10:23:52 : dca_eventlog: got Kerberos authentication event

  • You should verify, what WMI is blocked to those nodes. Is it a Firewall issue (blocked) or a Windows Client issue. Check the packet captures on all ends. 


  • Hi Luca,

    I never did manage to work out what was blocking it, the WMI checks were successful from the Windows WMI checker (WBEMTEST) and the WMI verification check in STAS and i could see live users in STAS etc. This was after I had to put a command in the console on the branch to allow STAS = system auth cta vpnzonenetwork add source-network netmask

    So even after the STAS connections were live and connecting we still were presented with the same issue. 

    A test i had not done but have now is disable the IPSEC site to site and setup an SSL Site to site and this started working straight away.

    We had an IP address which this morning could not access shares / server etc and the normal changing the IP got around the issue, i set a test laptop to the same address and it was still the same, i then disabled IPSEC site to site and then started the SSL Site to Site and the machine still on sprung to life and has been solid since. 

    So something is up with the IPSEC Site to site connection but for the life of me i cant work out what is wrong.

    Thanks for your help but i am happy to leave the SSL in place and see how that goes.