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PRTG failing to monitor services after sophos upgrade to v18

Not sure with this one, pre-upgrade from v17-mr12 to SFOS 18.0.1 MR-1-Build396, all Firewall monitoring worked in PRTG. After the upgrade, PRTG cannot access info from services,memory etc. it can still ping and `see' the nic cards. Our remaining two Firewalls that are still on v17 mr12 remain monitored correctly.

So to me, something has been upset/broken in SNMP between V18 and PTRG. So for now, have turned off in PTRG monitoring on the v18 Firewall- services,memory etc.

Looks like when I upgrade the other two Firewalls to v18, I will have the same issue.

Any advice on this problem?




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  • These are the ones that worked/are working in v17 but not in V18

    Tried the V18 MIB,(complete) it fails to load when adding sensors...

    Tried just adding the cpu percent only as requested, that fails as:

  • Hey Andrew,

    I tried the following:

    Grab the v17 & v18 MIBs from the ZIP and load them in the PRTG MIB Importer V3.5.8, this gives OIDB Libraries that I copied to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\snmplibs

    I have two different ones there that I called: SophosXG17.oidlib & SophosXG18.oidlib

    Discovered an XG v17.5 MR12 VM & an XG 135 v18 MR1 in PRTG Network Monitor and added Custom SNMP Sensors from SNMP Library using the appropriate .oidlib for each.

    The v18 firewall, PRTG added a lot more standard sensors (via auto discovery) like the standard CPU Load sensor

    The v17.5 firewall, PRTG uses the Sophos XG-FIREWALL-MIB cpu status OID for CPU monitoring.

    You are correct, this SNMP OID will not work on XG v18, I think you can use the standard SNMP sensor instead.

    Actually it seems that all OIDs that are under will not work in XGv18. These are the v17 OIDs.

    V18 uses OIDs under for custom MIBs... I am using standard PRTG sensors for CPU, memory, disk, interface traffic... on v18

    I hope that helps


  • Thanks Patrick

    I did re-open my support request with Sophos, and have also added your findings to this.

