Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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XG Rev. 1/2 hardware owners stuck at v18

Looks like XG hardware owners are stuck at V18 if they happen to be using Rev. 1 or Rev. 2 hardware. Only models 230 through 450 on Rev. 2 will support v18.5 and up. Some of the Rev. 2 hardware out there is not all that old, going to be hard to tell customers that the hardware they recently invested in can no longer be used to run the latest firmware. Let's hope Sophos comes up with a very generous (as in FREE) hardware upgrade offer for owners of such devices. I mean come on, we all know you aren't in the hardware business, you are in the software subscription business. Just give us the firewall and factor the cost into the subscription like the cell phone companies do. Maybe you could be the first firewall vendor to offer free hardware upgrades to loyal subscribers. Not really sure how you can call models that are still actively being sold by distributors "previous models", so I buy a brand new "previous model" and pay full price only to find out a year from now it won't support the latest firmware? Sounds a bit unfair to me. Caveat Emptor! 

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