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Accesspoint network is not routed

Hi community

I am struglling with my internal Access point connection.



I have configured a new interface on the XG with a new IP range, the XG is setup with DHCP server that offers IP Adresses from that new range to the Access point which works perfectly.

1. The new interface is set into the zone LAN.

2. XG is setup to make DNS.

3. XG is setup to make DHCP (as described)

4. There is a static route for the WLAN network to be reached over GW Access point on the new interface

5. The Access point is configured as a gateway

6. Firewall rules are in place to reach the WLAN from internal LAN and vice versa.



Ping is OK from internal to the Access point over the whole connection.

From the WLAN it is possible to ping the whole connection to the internal LAN interface of the XG too.

But I can not ping from internal to that client in the WLAN and from the client in the WLAN I can not reach any ressource in my LAN and not the external IP adress of the XG or any other eyternal IP adress (therefore it's pretty clear that DNS is not working either).


What is missing to make my WLAN able to reach the network?






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  • Nicole,

    can you include in the map all the networks?


    If other Ip in the same subnet are pinbable, check the firewall on the destination pc/server.


  • There is only the DMZ network not in the list but this is not involved in the story.

    INT LAN =

    WLAN =

  is the client in the WLAN who receives it's IP trough DHCP from the XG


    To be sure it's not the host's firewall who blocks I have also my mobile phone accessing the WLAN access point.

    It gets an IP an connects to the WLAN access point, but internet connectivity is not working.

  • There is only the DMZ network not in the list but this is not involved in the story.

    INT LAN =

    WLAN =

  is the client in the WLAN who receives it's IP trough DHCP from the XG


    To be sure it's not the host's firewall who blocks I have also my mobile phone accessing the WLAN access point.

    It gets an IP an connects to the WLAN access point, but internet connectivity is not working.

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