Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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POint to Point Wireless Link


we  got new point to point wireless link to one of our branch which is using XG230. The said branch has an existing internet connection but we dont want to utilize the internet to connect to our head office instead i will use the Point to point wireless to connect to our  head office.

How i will set up this and is there a way i can do this in XG firewall?

Help is really much appreciated.




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Parents Reply
  • Hi Iferrara,

    Yes...Link already establish but my concern regarding the routing.

    I have already the idea to put it in WAN interface but my concern the routing, how i will redirect the packet from the branch to the head office?

    Hope you can give me guide or steps since im  new in the firewall world.


