Hi XG Community!
We're pleased to announce the release of Sophos Connect 1.3.
The VPN Client is available from within the WebAdmin of your XG Firewall (see KBA 133109).
What's New in Sophos Connect 1.3
- Multiple Language support
- Official support for connections to UTM9
- Add ability to run domain logon scripts after the tunnel is established
- Configure connection-specific DNS Suffix for the TAP adapter if configured via Sophos Connect Admin or pushed via UTM Policy
- Update CLI command to modify gateway and clear credentials in testing/staging setups
Issues Resolved in Sophos Connect 1.3 GA
- NC-46605 [Remote Access] Not all negotiated Remote Networks shown on Monitor Network page after tunnel is established
- NC-46641 [Remote Access] Sophos Connect Admin tool is not backward compatible with its previous release version
- NC-46642 [Remote Access] DNS resolution for internal host name is incorrectly resolved while using split tunnel
- NC-46883 [Remote Access] Unable to delete connection from dashboard or CLI
- NC-46961 [Remote Access] Bytes and packets counters not reset when reconnected
- NC-46965 [Remote Access] Monitor screen shows "Authenticating" even connection is up
- NC-47008 [Remote Access] DNS servers not listed on monitor screen on MAC client after tunnel is established
- NC-47061 [Remote Access] Traffic not going through after wake up from sleep
- NC-47187 [Remote Access] Sophos Connect GUI fixes
- NC-47220 [Remote Access] Reject proposals with algorithms that are unknown
- NC-47300 [Remote Access] Send notification when IKE DPD timeout occurs
- NC-47343 [Remote Access] Connection time showing 1970
Issues Resolved in Sophos Connect 1.3 EAP1
- NC-34721 [Remote Access] Route table is not cleaned up if the strongswan service crashes while the connection is active
- NC-41498 [Remote Access] Renegotiate Phase 2 after a Phase 2 delete request is received by the client
- NC-42217 [Remote Access] Update connection properties (remote traffic selectors) when re-importing connection
- NC-43421 [Remote Access] Select DH group (ecp256 = grp19) if configured DH proposal is MODP_1024 when tgb file is imported in Sophos Connect
- NC-43604 [Remote Access] Authentication fails when using % character in a password that precedes a numeric character. Example @Pienda%2019 will fail.
- NC-43622 [Remote Access] Support the ability to import certificate based connection file from UTM via CLI
- NC-44127 [Remote Access] Wake from sleep does not restart Auto-Connect enabled connection
- NC-44372 [Remote Access] Configure connection-specific DNS Suffix for the TAP adapter if configured via Sophos Connect Admin or pushed via UTM Policy
- NC-44373 [Remote Access] Implement check for Internet Connectivity using API available in the OS
- NC-45021 [Remote Access] Add existing connection in TSR for ease of troubleshooting
- NC-45244 [Remote Access] Sophos Connect doesn't prompt for OTP after phase 1 rekey
- NC-45688 [Remote Access] Canceling the connection on Authentication screen is updating the last connected status
- NC-45700 [Remote Access] Update CLI command to modify gateway and clear credentials
- NC-45759 [Remote Access] Add ability to run logon scripts after the tunnel is established
- NC-46397 [Remote Access] Sophos Connect localization
- NC-46399 [Remote Access] Allow Sophos Connect to connect to UTM