Question about Summary feature


We have noticed that to access the new "summary" functionality for an open case, the case must be assigned to a sub-estate administrator.

In our organization, we have over 120 sub-estates, but we do not configure local administrators for each one. We only have a few "enterprise SuperAdmins" who have access to all functionalities. However, we cannot assign open cases to them, and therefore, we are unable to use the AI "summary" functionality.

Would it be possible to use this functionality without having to assign the case? Alternatively, could enterprise SuperAdmins be allowed to assign cases to themselves to access the AI-generated summary?

Thank you very much and best regards.

  • Hello Daniel,

    The team are making changes to support your use case. There are a few changes we are making to Case assignment, both for single tenants and enterprise users.

    - create case without an assignee assigned

    - Allow assignee to be Partner or Enterprise admins

    - Modify a case without an assignee assigned.

    I expect these changes to be released before the end of the month. I will update you when the changes are live.



  • Hello Daniel,

    The team are making changes to support your use case. There are a few changes we are making to Case assignment, both for single tenants and enterprise users.

    - create case without an assignee assigned

    - Allow assignee to be Partner or Enterprise admins

    - Modify a case without an assignee assigned.

    I expect these changes to be released before the end of the month. I will update you when the changes are live.


