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Secure Email for Android - Notifications do not work unless app is open?

Is this by design? Our test group of Android Secure Email users report this as a problem, and I can understand why.Are there no hooks into the app to allow notifications without the app being open and running?

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  • Hi ScotMaples,

    can you please clarify what you exactly mean with "unless the app is open"? Do you mean running in the background / task manager? Or only if open in the foreground?
    This might be a bug which I then have to forward to our developers.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Hi ScotMaples,

    can you please clarify what you exactly mean with "unless the app is open"? Do you mean running in the background / task manager? Or only if open in the foreground?
    This might be a bug which I then have to forward to our developers.

    Thanks & Regards

  • It can be running in the background for notifications to work properly. We just discovered this amongst our test group when some wondered why meeting reminders weren't popping up. The Secure Email apps were closed on those devices. New msg notifications act the same - tested and confirmed on multiple devices.