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How to add Fullname of the User in the default signature


im trying to create a new default signature for the work E-Mail Container.

In the signature the full name of the user should be displayed, if i use the variable %_USERNAME_% it only gets me the Exchangename (like 012345).

I dont know how the CUSTPROP variables work, as i dont know what value i should enter.

Any help here?


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  • Hi  ,

    the configuration that im trying to modify is under "Policies > iOS & iPadOS > My Container Policy > Work Mail > Default signature" 

    The CUSTPROP Variable that im trying to define is under "Setup > Sophos Setup > Customer properties"

  • Looking into the Customer Properties section, it looks like this will only allow you to reference static values that you define. 

    When using the %_USERNAME_% value, this should use the "Exchange Login" property of the user assigned to the device. When checking the entries present under the "People" tab, does this look to be accurate? 

    What may also help is to use Sophos ADSync or Azure ADSync so the values are automatically populated and match what you have defined in your AD environment. Checking ADUC to see what value is present for "Exchange Login" in relation to one of the user entries may also help with this. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi  ,

    yes using the %_USERNAME_% value, gives me the Exchange Login. But this is only the personnel number, not the full name.

    We are using the ADSync tool, to get every user having an iPhone sync in to the MDM.