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Sophos Secure Email App - EOL


Just read this morning that the Sophos Secure Email App is being withdrawn from the Apple App Store in Dec 2023 and support for the app is being retired at the same time.

Being a long time user of the above app and Containerized Policies, what is the migration path for email?

The Retirement Document basically says this:-

Sophos Secure Email -> Apple User Enrolment

To say this is a bit vague is an understatement, can anyone advise what will replace Sophos Secure Email?



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  • Hello  

    Thank you for reaching out to the community forum. 

    As the EOL date is nearing for the on-prem Sophos product. Here is the link for migrating from on-prem to Sophos mobile product in Sophos central.  This documentation explained the step-by-step process for both IOS and Android-managed devices.

    We encourage you to migrate to Sophos Central Management. 

    For the Secure Email app, Most likely, there’s no replacement as on central manage device, you can use the native email application installed on the mobile. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • Hi GlennSen,

    We are already on Sophos Central Mobile.

    This is what  I'm reading, Sophos Secure Email Section

    Sophos Secure Email

    We encourage existing customers using the Sophos Container apps (Sophos Secure Email and Secure Workspace) to transition to the Android and iOS equivalents (Android Work Profile and Apple User Enrolment). The Sophos Secure Email and Sophos Secure Workspace apps will be removed from the app stores in December 2023 and will not be supported after this date.

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