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Some iOS and Android Devices getting a factory reset after OS update? MDM on-Premise


I am using Sophos MDM as an on-premise server version.

I have several mobile devices that are reset to factory settings after an iOS/Android update.

Do you have any idea what could be the reason for this?

Is this a known issue?

I am using server version: 9.7.3

Thanks in advance for any hints!

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Parents Reply
  • Thanks for clarifying. 

    I have not heard of this being an issue in any previous support cases or in the community. 

    Do you have any details on the model of the device that ran into this issue? What may also help is if we know what the original Android version was prior to the upgrade, and what version it was upgrading to. 

    If you're able to replicate the issue with a specific model of device, I'd suggest trying the same upgrade without MDM management to see if there are any differences in the results you get.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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