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Intercept X - Mobile configuration


I am just starting to deal with mobile security within intercept X. My goal is to rollout mobile security to various mobile endpoints at a time, including IOS and Android. Because of our structure in the company, we deal with different scenariouses. There are company ownded smartphones, with android and ios, whre users are also able to use private stuff. THis is historical and management does not want to change that. Furthermore there are company owned smartphones, which are not used privatly and last there are personal owned smartphoes, which are also used for the company.

My goal is to setup and rollout strategy resp. task, in which every scenario can easily achieved bei just scanning a QR Code. I played a little with the seting in intercept x and created policies, app bundles and task bundles. I startet an enrollment process, but noticed that I only find the opportunity to rollout to one device resp. user. Is it not possible to create a QR Cdoe, which can be used by several users?

What I have done so far.

-Created IOS and Andoid policies

-Created IOS and Andoid Compliance policies

-created container policies for Android and IOS

-registerd Google Play for Compannies

-Got IOS Certificate with company Apple ID

-In the apps section for IOS I added 3 apps ( Intercept  X for mobile, sophos secure workspace, sophos secure mail) last I probably don't need and more will come

-In the apps section for Andoid I added these apps( google authenticator, chrome, office, outlook intercept x for mobile, secure workspace, whatsapps

Then I created a task bundle for IOS devices, including a basic policy ( tasks ar "enroll" , "assign policy" and istal apps"

Afterwards I went to dashboard and startet  the "add device wizard" I filled out all fields and selected the task bundle to distribute. At the end I got a QR code. I used that one on a testing IOS device. Enrollment was fine, policies where applied, but apps were not installed.

After scanning the code from the device, I had to install manually the profile. This is bad, because I want it to be very simple for the end user. The should have to take a less steps as possible to enroll their device.

I watched some tutorials on youtube for configuration, but still this is a "little" confusing.

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